Thursday, May 16, 2013


I am the last one left. The last of the human race. Who knows how much longer I have before they get me too... It could be minutes, days, years. All I know is that I need to tell my story, tell everything I know about these zombies that now haunt the earth. Who knows who I am writing to, myself, the gods, or on the off-chance that there is another survivor out. Well, if there is another survivor, maybe my knowledge will help you out.

It all started when I moved to Provo to attend Brigham Young University. The people were generally nice. But soon I started to notice some strange and unnerving qualities in many of my friends. Many of them began to spend increasing amounts of their time with members of the opposite gender. Additionally, they began to have a dazed look about them and an inability to focus, as if their head was always in another place. If only I had known at the time that these were the first signs, maybe I could have found a cure...

Phase 1

I thought it was just some sort of flu that everyone was getting. Like the swine flu or something. That it would go as quickly as it came.

But it didn't go away, it just kept spreading. Some people started to speculate. The radicals said we were being punished for our wickedness and that this was the end of the world. Nobody listened. Some crazy doctors said it was a new bacteria of some sort that would continue to multiply until it had taken over the whole earth. Nobody listened. The superstitious said this was the zombie apocalypse. Nobody listened. And maybe they were all right...

Soon, the infected began to exhibit more alarming qualities. After choosing a zombie counterpart of the opposite gender, their eyes take on a strange condition in which the infected only have the ability to look into the eyes of their zombie counterpart. Also, they engage in a lot of physical contact, which seems to quicken the progression of the loss of their brains. Physical contact with one's infected counterpart must have some catalytic property that causes the virus to multiply faster.

At this point, you may notice if you look closely, the green flecking and rotting of their skin. This is when I first knew this was no ordinary flu.

After years of research, I have since discovered the true cause of the zombie condition. After risking my life to leave my barricaded home and find and acquire some microscopes, I took some blood samples of zombies that attacked my house that night. This is what I found:

The virus, is that grey circular thing. It attaches itself to the red blood cells and mutates them, often turning them blue in color. There are three varieties of the red blood cell mutation that I have found. They are as follows:
The most common mutation of the red blood cell caused by the virus. You can see the dark blue color the virus turns the blood cell. 

This one is also fairly common. I have found that it gets more and more common the farther north you go from Provo.

This is the most rare version. It is also the hardest to spot since it is the only one that doesn't turn the blood cell blue.

 After reading a bizillion books, I have discovered that this type of viral infection has in fact existed for a long time, though recently it appears to have become much more aggressive. It is called the Marriageacheta Domestica Densovirus. It usually attacks in a person's late teens or early adult years.

Near the end of the progression, the silver circular shaped attack-body in the bloodstream makes a physical mutation upon the left the hand on the person's finger in between the index and the pinky... I still don't know how it is able to produce a large shiny replica of itself outside the bloodstream, but it does, this is what it looks like....

Phase 3
At this point the subject will lose all ability to do anything besides flaunt the virus and spend time with their zombie counterpart of the opposite gender. By now, the progression is nearly irreversible, the subject's brain is almost entirely dead. It is almost certain they will become a flesh-eating soul-sucking zombie within just a few months.

Well... After two years in Provo, almost everyone had reached phase 3 of the digression... And by the end of my third year... Everyone had entered the final phase... There is no coming back from the final phase.

Final Phase...

They're all dead now. I am the only one left.

This is my life now. I do what I have to in order to survive...

I am the last of the human race.

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