Sunday, January 22, 2012

A Stalker's Joy

I don't know about the rest of you, but I get the utmost joy by creating that extraordinarily awkward moment when you know everything about someone else who has absolutely no idea who you are. Or just that moment when you can tell their comfort bubble is being pushed to the max. For those of you who thrive off of awkwardness, you'll know it is a sweet sort of satisfaction.

Here are a couple of ideas I use to not get rusty in my stalker abilities,

Periodically jump in random people's window wells and stare with your face plastered against their window into their apartment. This is probably my personal favorite, the window wells in Wyview work fantastically for it.

If you know you are going to meet someone or after meeting someone once, web stalk them as much as you possibly can. Not just facebook, everybody does that, youtube and google as well. From knowing someone's first name and one organization he or she was part of I once determined exactly where this person worked, his or her last name, and.... his or her track scores. (they were really fast by the way...) How's that for a second conversation starter? "Hey! I heard you run a five minute mile! I found your scores online"

Participate in random people's conversations. The other day I was walking outside and there were a bunch of girls on the third floor yelling "I AM NOT A WHORE, I AM NOT A WHORE" from their apartment with the window open, I have no idea why they were yelling that, but naturally I found it necessary to yell from down below as loud as I could, "Excuse me! Excuse me! I am a whore, hey are you listening? I am a whore!" until they heard me and peered down from their window in consternation.

Do things that just... don't make sense. Yesterday me and Sydnee decided to have a dance party in our apartment by ourselves since we have no friends. Here's what we did, it was nighttime and whenever we saw a group of people was going to pass down below shortly, one of us would man the lights and flip them on and off as quickly as possible, creating a strobe light effect, while the other lone person would start doing crazy dance moves right in front of the window. People were a little confused to say the least.

Take pictures of random people, so that it looks like you are trying to hide the fact that you are taking a picture of them but it is really blatantly obvious that you are taking a picture of them. I have about 20 pictures, close up, of this kid who I thought was really hot at dancesport. I would follow him around the outside of the floor taking pictures of him.

When people of opposite genders are talking to each other, specifically one boy and one girl, suddenly duck down behind a car or nearby object, then dash from object to object around these people's perimeter. Oh and another favorite of mine since I live in an apartment is whenever I hear the voices of a male and female coming up the steps, I peer through the peephole on the door and watch all the doorstep scenes. You may not know who I am, but I know who you are dating.... Sometimes if you are feeling extra creepy whisper things through the door that are barely audible. I once got free chicken out of that... don't ask....

For those of you who actually have friends, I am sorry, you don't get to share in this joy. People know who you are, and expect you to do the same because you actually talk to people. What a pity. Its no fun at all if you know who people are dating and such if you are actually FRIENDS with them.

Well thats all for now creepers! I will DEFINITELY be seeing you around.... .... ....... ....